In between breakfast at the Tomlinsons and dinner at the Tomasellis, we came home to change Inara into her Christmast outfit. She was in such a good mood that Shawn and I decided to play with her instead of doing "work." I love how she's smiling with me in this picture. Too bad she looks so white next to me. People probably think I'm the nanny when they see me out and about with her.

She's really taking to playing on the floor now. I give her floor and tummy time as often as possible. She also loves playing with her hands. She's discovered her thumb too. Let's hope she chooses to suck her thumb rather than her pacifier.

Here is Inara at Christmas in her cute outfit. I had to show off her adorable reindeer shoes that Amme and Chris Weilert got her. They even play the Rudolph song. Sorry I can't figure out how to rotate the picture for easier viewing.
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