marisa's ramblings

here in lies my own personal soapbox to vent about the issues and dilemmas that plague my mind and share the aha moments of my daily life.

Monday, August 25, 2008

What a busy weekend

This past weekend was packed full. Friday Inara and I took my mom to the airport. I was sad to see her go, but I knew she was going to be back in 3 weeks, so no tears. The rest of the day Inara and I did some minor projects around the house and took an hour walk. That felt great to get out and do some exercise. Saturday we went to a birthday party for one of the little girls from my mom's group. It's the first time I've gotten to see some of my mommy friends since before I went to CA, so it was great to see them. Too bad we couldn't stay long. We had to head over to Bear Creek Lake for Shawn's work picnic. It wasn't too hot out, so the picnic was pleasant. Kristi won 2nd place in the baking contest. Yay!!! Both Shawn and Thane then won gift certificates to Cold Stone. Guess we'll have to do a double date for ice cream some time. After the picnic, we rushed home to leave Inara with Barb, so Shawn and I could get away to a movie for my birthday. We saw Death Race, which, yes, I wanted to see. Jason Statham's in it and he's hot, so I was excited. It was actually a good movie. I expected it to be more cheesy, but it was fun. I think at this stage in my life anytime I get to go see a movie I'm going to think it's good. It was rainy by the time we got out. We rushed home and Shawn bbq'd dinner for the Tomlinson clan. We then did cake/ice cream and opened presents. By 9pm that night, Shawn and I were both exhausted, but he crashed hard core. He does need his 10 hours of sleep every day, especially after hectic days. Ha ha. This birthday wasn't the best because it was my first without my family and friends here to celebrate with me, because it was a bit of a hectic day and not what I would have chosen for my day, but all-in-all, it was a nice one. Plus, I'm now 35 and that ain't fun to think about at all! A pleasant surpise to end the day though was a call from my cousin April. She wanted to wish me a happy birthday and see how things were going. That was probably the best part of the whole day. It meant so much to me to hear from her. A big wow!

Sunday was our fantasy football draft. I told Shawn on Saturday that I should have just dropped out this season because I figured it would be rather difficult to do the draft with Inara here with us. I was totally surprised by her though on Sun. She took a 2 hour nap while we were drafting and when she woke up, she had a bottle and played in the room with me for another 45 min or so. It was the best case scenario, almost as if she knew mommy and daddy needed her to cooperate this one special day. Sunday night we went to dinner at the Douglas's. They are old neighbors from way back when. The son Ian was Shawn best friend growing up, so he was really excited to see him after 15+ years. I was excited to meet Ian too after hearing stories about him for years. He and his family were all very friendly. I was most impressed with Ian who's a poet, photographer, etc. Just your "average" artist. Ha ha. I wish I was half as talented as he is. His girlfriend was very sweet as well and loved playing with Avery and Inara. Baby girl kept me busy wanting to walk all over of course, but I again was impressed by her because she did super well when people held her and she didn't get fussy until the last 30 min or so but it's only because it was her bedtime. Needless to say, she crashed in the car and slept most of the ride home.

This week will be another crazy one. I've got a couple projects in the house I want to tend to before we leave early Saturday morning for Wisconsin for a week. We are all going for a Tomlinson family vacation for Barb & Ed's 40th wedding anniversary. We've rented a couple cabins on the lake at the place we went a couple years ago. A lot of Barb & Ed's family are coming at some point in the week to see us too, which will be nice since they haven't got to meet Inara yet. I'm just concerned because Inara won't have a crib to sleep in. She'll have to make do with a pack 'n play, so starting today I'm having her nap in hers so she can get used to it. I'm also nervous because I've decided traveling with an 11 month old is going to be stressful. She won't have all her "toys" particularly the walker, so she might be a bit cranky. Yes, I'm thinking the worst, but I'm mom and I know my daughter best. I'll just have to make do with what I've got there. Let the packing begin in a couple of days.


Blogger Laura said...

Happy Birthday! I can't believe you're 35- you're so young at heart. :o)

1:43 PM  
Blogger marisa said...

Thank you for being so kind. I've always said I'm one of the oldest mommies in the group. But I am still a big kid that's for sure.

2:33 PM  
Blogger Jeri said...

Inara loves that walker, if I were you I would strap that thing on top of the car if I had to just so you won't have to keep walking her around constantly. Remember watch out with your back.
By the way, don't you know by now anytime you have a little one you almost have to rent a trailer to haul all of their stuff with them?
ha ha :)
Love you see you at the end of Sept.

7:25 PM  

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