marisa's ramblings

here in lies my own personal soapbox to vent about the issues and dilemmas that plague my mind and share the aha moments of my daily life.

Thursday, July 09, 2009

The girl has a gas problem

So this will be one of those blogs that when Inara is older she will find out I wrote this and seriously want to hurt me for telling the world about her gas issues. But what are moms for if not to embarrass their children?

For the past few months, Inara has found great humor when she toots. Yes, it can be rather cute when a little kid lets one slip, but Inara lets them go all day long. When she does, she usually giggles, and I then have to prompt her to say excuse me. I know she's not quite two years old yet, but I want her to learn now that it's not polite to fart in public, especially if she doesn't excuse herself. Last night was one of the funniest things she's ever done. She was taking a bath while Shawn and I sat and watched her splash around and be her usual silly self. Suddenly, she puts one hand down, leans over, and seriously let out the loudest toot she's ever done. Of course, it was even louder because it vibrated off the bathtub. This startled her at first, but then sent her into giggle mode. So she then had to do it again. Shawn and I died laughing, which didn't help matters much because if mom and dad get a kick out of it, then it must be good to do. She did this at least 4 more times. I then became worried she'd poo in the bathtub, so I told her to stop. I could tell she wanted to continue making mommy and daddy laugh, but I was grateful that she listened and stopped.

Then after lunch today, she outdid herself once more. She was sitting in her highchair trying to go poopy. Her new thing is she covers her face when trying to relieve herself as if to ask for some privacy. I saw her do this, so I said my usual "Mommy will leave you alone so you can go poopy." I started cleaning up lunch dishes when all of a sudden I hear her go, "Mommy. Ta da. Stinky." I looked up at her and asked what she said. She then obligingly replied, "Ta da. Stinky." My daughter was so proud of the fact that she had done her business that she had to announce it with a congratulatory ta da. I lost it. I laid on the counter and died laughing, tears streaming down my face. Not the best response because again she's going to think this is acceptable and do it again in the future I'm sure. But it was honestly one of the most hysterical things she's ever done.

I'm worried now though. Why is my daughter so fascinated, entertained, whatever you want to call it with bodily functions? Is this normal? I mean come on. Where does she learn these things? It's not like Shawn and I walk around tooting and saying ta da when we go poo. Oh boy. I can't wait to hear what the preschool teacher says when Inara starts her class. "Um excuse me, Mrs. Tomlinson. Can we speak about Inara's infatuation with expressing herself so freely by tooting up a storm in class?" I can just see it now. And the worst part is most of the time I encourage it because I laugh when she does such things. But really how do you not laugh and who knew a toot could be so adorable? Sorry baby girl, but I had to share this one. I love you though.


Blogger Greg said...

I laughed so hard at "Ta Da!" that Greg came in to see what I was doing on his computer! I'm sure that the fascination will pass and I guarantee that any preschool teacher worth anything will not be phased by an interest in poop.

9:43 AM  
Blogger Jeri said...

It's the Tomaselli in her, after every meal I still need to walk around and get those toots out. Just ask Dave he walks in front now.
He even has the nerve to say, "what the heck, you haven't eaten yet, what is going on?" :)

9:20 PM  

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