marisa's ramblings

here in lies my own personal soapbox to vent about the issues and dilemmas that plague my mind and share the aha moments of my daily life.

Friday, August 29, 2008

This should put an end to McCain's criticism of Obama's lack of experience

McCain just announced his VP running mate. Who the heck has heard of Sarah Palin? Elected governor of Alaska in 2006? Now that's one lengthy political record. I love the sentence from AP: "She has more experience catching fish than dealing with foreign policy or national affairs." That one cracked me up, especially since there seems to be a lot of political bashing directed at Obama's short time in Washington. If the Republicans win, we all better pray nothing happens to McCain while he's in office or we will have our first woman President with the least amount of experience. Given McCain's age, that's a scary thought. Lets hope this means the Republicans will drop this criticism and get to something of significance. How about criticizing policies and positions rather than age or experience? That's where things get real nitty gritty doesn't it? Looking forward to the debates in the coming weeks. Can't wait to see the one VP debate. Have a feeling Biden will win the VP one, unless they ask questions about fishing techniques. Ha ha. Boy, Palin sure has a lot of studying to do now. Things just keep getting more and more interesting in this historical presidential race. (One personal criticism: who the heck names their kids Track and Trig? She must have some Hollywood connection or something? Please tell me they are family names.)


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