marisa's ramblings

here in lies my own personal soapbox to vent about the issues and dilemmas that plague my mind and share the aha moments of my daily life.

Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I hope everyone is having a great 4th. We have had a pretty relaxing day, which is exactly what I needed. Barb made breakfast, the guys then went out for a short bit, and I worked on my scrapbook while Inara napped. We then played Bean Bag Toss the rest of the evening and will probably play a few board games tonight. Like I said, it's a perfect relaxing day. Things have been crazy as usual around here, so I wanted a day of rest.

To catch you up on what's been going on, first off, my girlfriend Sierra flew in on Tue. We got to hang out, I showed her the house, and we even got a girls' night away and went to dinner and saw Wall-E (totally cute movie by the way). Her husband and mother-in-law flew in on Thu and came to pick her up. They were then headed to Ft. Collins to see the brother-in-law and niece. It was great to see her, but I wish she was staying for good. It felt so great to have one of my best friends here with me in CO. At least I'll get to see her again when I'm back in SoCal in a few days.

Wed night our friend Greg flew in and is staying until next Tue. I swear Hotel Tomlinson is pretty booked up lately. I love having company though. It's great sharing my new home state with friends. I love getting to show them around and taking them to our favorite places. I hope we'll get to take Greg to Woody's Woodfired Pizza since I didn't get to go when Jason was here last time. The guys are doing outdoorsy guy things tomorrow, so Barb and I are going garage saling in the morning and then I'm doing laundry so I can pack our suitcases and getting last minute things ready before our flight out on Tue. I know my mom is chomping at the bit for us to get there.

As for the latest news on the house, we had our home inspection yesterday. It took about 2 hours. Girvin, the inspector, was super nice and showed us so many things in the house, such as how to change the filter in the furnace and shut off the water heater in case of an emergency. The best part of his inspection though was the great things he said about the house. He said we bought a really good house that has obviously been very well maintained. Yay! He was also impressed that there were only two things he noted from his inspection, which he said was VERY good. It made me feel a bit more at ease to hear such positive things from him. Part of me is sad that I am leaving for CA in a few days because all I want to do is get ready to move in, but there is obviously not much I can do until we get the keys on the 28th, so it's good that I'm leaving so that I can't obsess over the house. It's a good obsessing though. I LOVE MY NEW HOUSE!!!

A couple quick side notes on Inara: she has shown some new signs of wanting to crawl. Plus, we've been practicing standing up with her and she does very well with bearing some weight on her legs. She has also discovered her nose this week and keeps putting her index finger just to the opening. I hope my kid isn't a nose picker. I hate that! She's also started putting her hand down toward her nethers when I'm changing her diaper, which is really gross when it's a poopy diaper. I swear she keeps me on my toes every day!!! But I love her all the same!!!

Only 4 more days til I get to see everyone back in SoCal. I hope you are all doing great and look forward to seeing you soon!


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