Gosh. It's been awhile since my last post. As some of you know, my life has been a roller coaster lately. I'm feeling much better and getting my life back on track. So to start things off, I went to a concert last night at the House of Blues in Anaheim. Anybody heard of Butch Walker? Can I get a hell ya? Can I get a ya dog? If you haven't heard of Butch yet, then I strongly recommend that you get some of his stuff pronto. I love this guy. Shawn used to always play Marvelous 3 CDs when I first met him and I used to always say who's this again. That's how memorable their music was to me. I just couldn't get into them for some reason. Well Marvelous 3 broke up and their lead singer Butch went on to a solo career. Then about two years ago I find myself at HOB Anaheim with Shawn and Mike (Koby) at a Butch Walker show. I figured what the heck I'll go. How bad could it be? Boy was I ever wrong. That show was unfrigging believable and I was a fan from that point on. Butch Walker is my kind of musician in that he rocks that stage as if it's his last day on earth. He kicks some rock and roll ass. As Shawn said after last night's show, how can one guy be that talented? I couldn't agree more. (Butch was also named Producer of the Year in '05 by Rolling Stone magazine.) Last night was a down and dirty, get-outta-your-seat-and-dance-like-a-freak-cuz-nobody's-watching kind of show. I love that he can rock the house with a good ol slamming guitar rock and roll song then jump into the most beautiful melody with Butch playing solo on the piano. I love his versatility. My only complaint, and I know I'm not the only one with this complaint, is Butch needed to go shirtless. I know Nina will disagree with me, but that boy is hot. One thing I love about him is his tats. Also, I think what adds to his sexiness is his passion for music. Even if you've never heard a song of his before, when you see Butch on stage you know he is doing what he loves to do. With every bead of sweat comes his love for rock music. And that I dig.
This brings me to my top 5 list. And you all know what type of list I'm talking about. From this list, you can gather a lot of info about the type of person I am and what drives me. Let's start with my obvious #1 Eddie Vedder. Need I say anything besides his name. I married and love Shawn, but my heart will always belong to Eddie. He can turn any bad day into an endless possibility of beauty. I have never gotten chills at a show like I do every time I see Pearl Jam, nor have I ever cried as much as I have at a show as I have at PJ concerts. Eddie's voice can touch my soul like no other can. And as I said, anything can be fixed with a Pearl Jam song. #2 has seen a lot of change the past year but currently I have to go with JD Fortune, the lead singer of INXS. One, he fronts one of my all time favorite bands. Two, he girates like no other. Nina and Elizabeth know what I mean. The boy oozes sex on stage. Period. #3 who recently fell from #2 because I haven't seen much of him lately is Brandon Boyd of Incubus. I've seen Incubus live a couple of times now and every time I go weak in the knees when Brandon takes off his shirt. His body is unbelievable (Katchoo Elizabeth) and again he has some killer tats. Any guy who writes the song Stellar and can play the bongos like Brandon does is a sex god. #4 is Butch Walker. He's got good hair too. And #5 is the one I have to often defend: Dave Grohl. I'm a huge Foo Fighters fan and Dave is another one of those singers that knows how to have a great time on stage and has everybody dancing like it's the end of the world by the end of the show. If you've never see the Foo's, I strongly recommend that you do so as soon as possible. Now the question remains: what can you ascertain about me from this list? Could it be that I love passionate people, or better yet passionate artists? Could it be that I love singers that perform every show as if it's their last? Could it be that I dig guys with tats? Could it be that I like dark haired lead singers? You be the judge.