I can't decide. You may ask why ask this question. Well, you see it's Friday. I'm home from work and had high hopes of being productive today. However, I watched half an hour of Miami Ink, then spent an hour on Yahoo videos checking out 30 Seconds to Mars. Now I'm blogging. Why am I such a media/pop culture whore? I can't get enough. This is my drug, so let me share my latest and greatest.
I highly recommend checking out the new 30 Seconds CD. I've been listening to it for a few months now and I'm hooked. I am proud to share that I've even got Shawn grooving to this one. The lyrics are simplistic and banal, but it found me in the right time of life that I just need something to scream to. Very cathartic in my opinion to find the perfect CD to blast in the car while screaming your heart out. You should try it. They have an awesomely cinematic video out for the song From Yesterday. Bonus: you get to see the Adonis-sculpted body of Jared Leto. If you don't know actor Leto is the leader singer. I have been a big fan of his for quite some time, dating back to his turn as Jordan Catalano on My So Called Life, which by the way I REALLY need to buy on DVD. I like Leto because he's an actor outside the mainstream of Hollywood, meaning he doesn't choose the obvious roles. He was great in Fight Club, especially once he gets pulzerized. My absolute favorite of his though is Requiem for a Dream, not something I recommend for everyone to check out but honestly one of my faves. I have never done drugs, yet after watching Requiem I felt battered from all the drug use in this movie. It's a definite mind fuck, excuse the cursing, but that's the only way to describe this film.
One way I had hoped to be productive today is to start book 7 of Y: The Last Man, the graphic novel I'm friggin' loving. Jason, you suck for getting me hooked on this. Again, why am I jonesing to read comics? Shouldn't I be reading about Darfur, Abu Ghraib, or something of social relevance? Why not pick up the new Obama Barack book? I guess I feel guilty for reading something entertaining and fun and not something educational. But to hell with it. I love comics now and I want more!!! If you are looking for a great story, please pick up Y. This story is so unbelievably convulted with unforeseen twists and turns. I mean it's about the state of the world after a plague has wiped out all the men on the planet except for one man, Yorick, and his money. It's got awesomeness written all over it.
On a more personal note, I had to confess to Shawn recently that I've cheated on him. Kind of. I had this insane dream where I started making out with somebody who was not Shawn. The funny part is the guy in my dream was Ami James from Miami Ink, a show on TLC about tattoo artists. Shawn thought it was funny that of all the guys I could hook up with in my dream it was Ami. Let's just say I wouldn't be complaining of Ami showed up on my doorstep tonight. That boy is hot, and all tatted up. He's so my kind of rockstar. I felt a bit of a sting after I told Shawn about my dream and he said not to worry that he has dreams like that every once in awhile. The jerks been cheating on me for awhile I guess. Ha ha. Just for that I should go get a new tat cuz we all know how much Shawn loves tattoos. Actually, I think I've figured out what I want to add to my fairy tat: I want her to be sitting on a stack of books. I saw an Amy Brown drawing of a dragon sitting on a stack of books and I thought that would add some cool details to my fairy who is in drastic need of a touch-up anyways. I DESPERATELY want another tat. Nothing too crazy like Ursula from Little Mermaid or anything like that. Had to get that one in there for my brother.
And the best story of the day. A group of us went to see The Pursuit of Happyness last night. Good flick. But the real story happened during the previews. We saw a trailer for Reign Over Me, a new Adam Sandler film, which looks like my kind of film, especially since Don Cheadle is in it and I love him. I was eager to get home once I saw this trailer to do some research online. At the end of the trailer, they play a song I had not heard before but I instantly knew the voice: none other than my hubbie Eddie Vedder. I was shocked because I had not heard anything about them doing a song for a new movie. Like I said, as soon as I got home, I did some googling and found out the song is a cover of the Who's Love, Reign O'er Me from Quadrophenia. I was giddy with glee last night. A new PJ song is on the horizon. I can never get enough PJ. I'm desperately in need of a new PJ fix anyways, so this should be perfect timing. Now let's hope the song becomes available for download soon.
Well enough doping up on media. I'm off to be productive.