marisa's ramblings
here in lies my own personal soapbox to vent about the issues and dilemmas that plague my mind and share the aha moments of my daily life.
Friday, November 30, 2007
Another week has gone by
It's been a week since my last post, so I will type really fast since baby girl is sleeping. Had a great Thanksgiving lunch at the Tomlinsons and a dinner at the Tomasellis. Shawn wasn't too happy with all the food we ate since he's trying lto ose the last of the pregnancy weight he gained. Ha ha. I worked a holiday boutique both Friday and Saturday. It may sound bad but it was kind of nice to be away from the baby for a couple days. Of course, I missed her but considering I see her every day all day long, the break was nice. Friday night we went to dinner with Uncle Bob and D before they headed back home. We went to Lino's Italian Restaurant, one of our fave mom and pop places. The last time I was there a young man came up to me and asked if I taught at OCC. It was a former student of mine. I couldn't remember his name (Andrew) but I did remember he was on the baseball team. He was a nice kid. Well, when we went last week the second I walked in I recognized one of the waitresses as another former student. I remembered she did her research project on art censorship and it took me a sec to remember her name, but it finally came to me: Megan. She was most impressed that I remembered so much about her. Hope this is a sign I'll never get alzheimers.
This week I was busy doing Arbonne work and obviously tending to baby's every need. She is going through a phase that she wants to be held all the time. Yes, I love her and want to hold her but I do have to work in order to help pay off doctor bills, which are ridiculous. I just got a bill for the doctor who assisted with my C-Section. A bit of advice...don't have a C-S b/c it's too expensive. Arbonne is going well. I have a party tonight which I'm excited about and have scheduled my last 3 parties for here at the apartment the second week of Dec. Today I'm mailing out 70 flyers in Christmas cards, so I hope to have a good response. Fingers crossed. I'm learning that working from home is a tough juggling act, especially with a 10 week old. Yes, she's 10 weeks. It's hard to believe she's now in the double digits. Yikes! Some times it feels like yesterday that I was still pregnant and other days I feel like she should be walking and able to play on her own. We got her Christmas picture taken at Penney's on Sunday but I was bummed because the dress I had bought for her to wear for Christmas is already snug on her. The kid had a major growth spurt in the last two weeks. At least she got to wear the dress once, but bummer b/c now I have to figure out something else for her to wear and you know she has to look adorable. My little girl has to look her best when she sees family on Christmas. Well she's starting to cry so I gotta end this entry.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thanksgiving Day Pictures
First off, I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. The 3 of us had lunch with Shawn's parents and sister and then dinner with my parents, Michael, Uncle Bob and D, Michael's old roommate Matt, Karie, her sister Ida and her niece Brianna. It was pretty much a whole day revolving around food. We did stop eating long enough to take some great pictures of Inara in her Thanksgiving Day dress. I just love this dress I got her!!! It's my new fave. We also took a video of Inara laying on the ground to show off how much she LOVES to kick. Be sure to listen to what my dad says at the end of the video. No way am I letting him take her hunting until she's much, much, much older.
Monday, November 19, 2007
What a great way to start off Thanksgiving week
Yesterday was a great day for many reasons. First off, my cousin Kim and her husband Danny came down from Bakersfield to visit. I have talked to Kim quite a few times since I had Inara but haven't seen her since her wedding. It was great to visit with the newlyweds. Kim and Danny are just awesome! The girls sat and talked about the baby, being married, and Kim's nursing experiences while the boys played Guitar Hero. (Shawn converted another one. I can't believe Shawn loves playing this game as much as he does lately.) Anyways, it was great sitting and catching up with Kim. She has grown into a truly amazing woman. She's so beautiful and damn skinny too. I love her so much and am deeply proud of my little cousin. The 5 of us then headed over to my parents' house because my Uncle Bob and Jim drove down from the bay area to visit. They are staying for the week, which means Thanksgiving will be even more special having them here. Uncle Bob may be 79 but he's still got that young spunk about him. I haven't seen them since my wedding over 3 years ago, so I'm so grateful they came down to visit us. Uncle Bob couldn't get over how small Inara is. He said something that totally warmed my heart: he said he knows Nana would have adored Inara. I say this all the time actually, as does my mom. This time of year is always a bit hard because I miss my Nana and Paka so much. They were two of my most favorite people in the world and I wish more than anything that they could be here to hold Inara. They would have loved her and Nana would have given Inara big kisses and left big lipstick marks all over her cheeks. I used to love when Nana would do that. So seeing Uncle Bob brings a little bit of Nana to the house. It's great to see him!
Now for a bit of a chuckle since I made myself cry a few minutes ago. When we got home last night, I fed Inara a bottle. She was super gassy and suddenly farted so bad it about knocked me out. I told Shawn he needed to change her poopy diaper because I knew it was a doozy and he has his mask. So Shawn started changing her and we were both about knocked out by the stench. Then Shawn got some of it on his hand and about passed out as did I from laughing hysterically though. We were laughing for about 10 minutes straight. Shawn then took her into the living room carrying her over his shoulder. Inara then spit up really good and it went all down the back of Shawn's shirt and onto the carpet. Again we couldn't stop laughing at the absurding of it all. A few minutes later as I'm trying to clean up a bit, I absent-mindedly stepped in the spit up on the carpet. Shawn then asked if I loved being a parent. I wasn't sure how to respond in all honesty. After all the mayhem settled down, we were both super exhausted and instantly ready for bed. Unfortunately, Inara was wide awake at this point and ready to play, so the three of us sat on the couch while Inara smiled and smiled and talked to us a bit. It was truly priceless even after all the grossness of the poo and spit up. As I keep saying, oh the joys of parenting. But I am truly grateful for all of it!
Friday, November 16, 2007
I know Shawn will kill me but...
New Pictures
Shawn updated the website with new pictures. You can see them at www.shawnandmarisa.com. Some explanation on them. First off, Shawn made a special folder for her monthly picture. We are taking her picture on the octopus chair each month so you can see how much she has grown. In the 2 month folder, you will find pictures of Inara getting her first shots. Yes, I'm mean like that and took pictures for her scrapbook. This week Inara and I joined Kristi and Avery at Stroller Strides, so there are a few pictures of our outing. And then there is just a bunch of other pictures I've taken of Inara lately. I've been trying to capture her smiling but the camera isn't quick enough and as soon as the flash goes, she drops her smile. I'll keep trying. Enjoy!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
Project Runway Rocks!
Last night the new season of Project Runway started. I, of course, Tivo'd it and watched it this morning. I must say ever season the designers get better and better. I can't pick a favorite yet because so many of them showed great dresses last night. However, I can already tell I'm going to hate Elisa, the rain goddess as I believe one of the other designers called her. I'm so excited PR is back, especially if other shows are going to go into repeats due to the writers strike. Project Runway is great tv viewing and a bit inspirational too. Oh how I wish I could design clothes. Ever since the film Pretty in Pink and watching Molly Ringwald create her prom dress, I've always had a thing for fashion and design. Maybe Inara will go into fashion so I can live vicariously through her. Boy, do I have a lot of ideas for my daughter already. Ha ha.
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Monday, November 12, 2007
I love my Aunt Jeri
I LOVE getting fun mail and today I was so excited to get a postcard from my Aunt Jeri for Inara's baby book. It's a postcard of President Bush and Jeri wrote this is who was president when you were born. How sweet is that? It was such a thoughtful thing for her to do. It's those little things that make a big impact. So thank you Aunt Jeri for being so awesome!
Nothing like a little retail therapy
I've been a bit bummed lately because I haven't been able to do anything fun for myself. Yes, that sounds selfish but mommies need me time once in awhile. So I decided to join Kristi at Stroller Strides this morning. I had a lot of fun. All the moms are so sweet and Inara slept pretty much the whole time. Unfortunately, I had to feed Inara when it was Kristi's turn to teach but I got to watch her from afar. Afterwards, I was thinking about going shopping, so I invited Kristi and Avery to join me. I had so much fun! I spent lots of money all on Inara. OK. Not lots of money because I had coupons, gift certs and a few things to return but still it felt good to buy my baby girl some new things. Kristi found the cutest Carter dresses for Inara and I had to buy them. One is her Thanksgiving dress and another is her Christmas dress so those were necessary purchases. Ha ha. Every year the Tomlinsons get together at Kristi and Thane's house on Christmas Eve, so we decided to get Inara and Avery matching pajamas. Then we found matching pjs for Kristi and I. I can't wait to take pictures of the 4 of us. We will look so cute! All in all, today was a great day and it felt SOOOO good to be out of the house most of the day. That's a first. Retail therapy always makes everything better.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Like mother like daughter
I can't remember if I wrote about my embarrassing moment during delivery when I started throwing up. Well in case I forgot, I threw up a few times when I was at the hospital. The nurses said it was probably a reaction to the epidural and the fact that I hadn't eaten in so long. The worst part is one time I started getting nauseous my mom came over to the side of the bed with one of those little plastic containers they give you in the hospital if you're going to get sick. I was holding it up to my mouth and looked up at my mom to ask her to take my glasses off when I puked on her. I felt so horrible. My mom, the great woman that she is, said, "Don't worry sweetie. I've had worse." What a trooper. Well, the funny part to the story is last night my mom and dad watched Inara while Shawn and I went out to dinner with our friend Greg. When we got back, my dad and brother couldn't wait to tell me that after Inara ate, mom was burping her and Inara spit up and it got mom in the face. My poor poor mom. But like I said she really is a trooper because she told me not to worry. That's what babies do. She's the best grandma ever!
Baby's two month checkup
Friday we went for baby's two month checkup. Good news is Inara is now 9 pounds 1 1/2 ounces. Yes, I've got to get that half ounce in. And she's 20 1/2 inches long. The doctor said she is measuring on the small side still but given how small she was at birth she's doing good. Baby girl did well with her first round of shots. Of course, she cried but the rest of the day she was really good and didn't seem out of sorts or fussier than usual as I thought she might be. And I was so proud I didn't cry either. Yay mommy. The doctor said Inara is also developing well as far as motor skills go and doing everything she should be at this age. She smiles all the time and is making baby noises more and more. This past week I started doing tummy time with her for a few minutes each day. She does well lifting her head up and of course squirms all over the place trying to get moving. We also practice tracking by moving her favorite toy, the crab rattle, from side to side. She actually does great moving her head tracking the rattle. My little girl is growing up so fast. I'll be sure to get new pictures posted soon.
Friday, November 02, 2007
The new things I love in life
Since lately I seem to be blogging about negative things, I thought I'd post some positive thoughts today. My topic is the new things I love in life, which, of course, all involve Inara. Here they are.
*I love watching my dad with Inara. It's so adorable listening to him talk to her and she gets so comfy on his chest. It totally melts my heart when I see Pop with my daughter.
*I love to hear Shawn call Inara sweetheart. He recently started calling her this and one of the things I notice the most when he says it is the love in his voice. Kristi always told me I'd fall in love with my husband in a whole new way once we had a baby and it's so true.
*I love that my parents call me every day to check on me and the baby. This gesture makes me feel so loved and reminds me how my I love my parents as well.
*I love singing to Inara. Given I don't have the best voice nor do I remember any traditional baby songs, so I make up my own, but when I sing, it often calms her and I know it's because she knows mommy has her and all is well in the world when mommy is there with you.
*I love watching Inara sleep on me. She gets in that comfy position and falls fast asleep on my chest and it's the warmest feeling ever. And when she's asleep I love to hear her little snore. It's one of the greatest sounds in the world.
*Just this week Inara has started making baby noises as I like to call them. She's only done it a couple of times, but those few noises are so adorable. I can't wait til she starts cooing more. Then I feel like our conversations won't be so one sided.
*My favorite feature of hers is her eyes. I stare at her blue eyes all the time. She has happy, sparkly eyes that make mommy melt. I love it best when she's staring back at me because she recognizes who I am more and more each day. I also love to watch her looking around. This whole big world is a new thing all over again for me and I can't wait to share it with her. (However, she's started staring at the tv lately and I definitely don't want her to be a tv junkie when she grows up, so we'll have to curb that later on.)
*I love her smile! She's smiling more and more and no, it's not because she has gas. It's because she's happy and knows what a wonderful life she has. OK. Maybe the last part is a bit of an exaggeration, but I like to think that's one of the many things that makes her smile.