Time for an update. First off, Shawn has a bunch of pics and videos to post, but he's been busy and hasn't had time to upload them to our site. He has to do them at night so it's not tying up the internet for everyone else in the house. He said he'd get them up tonight. I've posted a few below with some stories behind them.
Our weekend started off great with a super fun stroller walk with the mom's group on Friday. There were 9 moms with their little ones. I got to meet a few new moms, which was fun since two of them are British, and had a great conversation with the two Laura's I've met. They are both so sweet. They made me feel really good about my leaning toward buying a house in Highlands Ranch. One of the Laura's has lived in this area for quite some time now and can't imagine living any place else. That's the way I've been feeling. I'm excited because I'm having lunch with Jen on Wed. She's the real estate agent I met through the mom's group. I have lots of questions for her, which she said was awesome. More on house hunting in a sec.
Yesterday was a wonderful day because I got a whole afternoon to myself. Shawn watched baby girl and I had a mommy day. I got my eyebrows waxed, a pedicure, had lunch at the mall and got to read (a grown-up book!) while I relaxed by myself, and went shopping. Penney's was having a great sale, so I picked up a dress for an upcoming wedding we are attending for only $5. Yes, a super cute dress for 5 bucks! Then Shawn and I went for date night dinner by ourselves. We tried this new restaurant called C.B. & Potts. It was phenomenal! I can't wait to take everyone there. The food was killer! I had grilled salmon with asparagus and crab meat topping. Scrumptious! Shawn had a burger that was perfect! This place is super fun and even hosts movie nights on Tues where they start a movie at 10pm, serve popcorn, and all draft beers are 50% off. I told Shawn we should totally do that one night since Inara is usually in bed by 7:30 anyways. We could have Barb listen up for her while we go relax and watch a film. Sounds like fun! Lets just hope he can stay awake. Ha ha. It was nice to get away just the two of us. We got to talking a lot about house hunting. We are both really liking HR for various reasons. I pointed out to him that there is no graffiti in this area, nor are there any kids running crazy in the street causing chaos. These are things we got so used to in our apt. in HB that it's odd to not see it here. One reason the kids aren't playing in the street is because this city has so much to offer, from the 4 rec centers to the plethora of parks and biking/hiking/walking trails. This is such a bonus for us as we want there to be activities for our kids to partake in when they get older. Also, the Laura's raved about the HR schools, which again is a major deciding factor for us. Since this is such a newer area, the schools are all top of the line with the newest computers, technology, equipment, etc. I also love that in their school mission statement, they require students to be tech savvy and to do community service. And of course, since this area has so much to offer, I think the resale of a home should be pretty good. Something we are thinking about for later down the road when we might need to upgrade to a bigger house when we have a second kid. Like I've said before, there's just so much to consider when buying a house, but I'm totally looking forward to picking Jen's brain on Wed and getting some info to make me a more informed house hunter.
On to the pics...

This is one of my new faves of Inara. First off, I love this Future Rock Star t-shirt. It's a 3-6 months, but it's still too big on her. But more importantly, as you can see in this pic, Inara is doing very well with sitting up. She's just so darn cute!

Many of you will remember the quilt squares people made for us at our baby shower. Nina finally got to finish putting the quilt together and I was so surprised when the packaged arrived on Friday. I totally cried. This gift is the coolest we could have ever asked for. Everyone put so much time into their squares and they really represent everyone's personalities. We're also so impressed with the time and effort Nina put into putting it all together. Check out the picture below to see all the details. She stitched all the material cut-outs to the squares and then embroidered people's names and whatever text they wrote. It's truly a piece of art. Kristi and Barb gave me the idea of hanging this in Inara's room once we get our house. I don't want her to mess it up, so I'm totally going to hang it up and that way everyone can see this wonderful gift. I know Inara will treasure it always!

This is another of my favorite pics. I took this on Inara's first trip to the pool last weekend. She's such a little fish and instantly took to the pool. I can't wait for her to play in Pop's pool this July. He'll have a blast playing with her, guaranteed. I think she looks so much like Shawn in this picture.

Lastly, this is a picture of Ed's cousin Cari who performs kids songs. We went and saw her last weekend in Denver. Cari's the one on the right. In this pic they are performing a song about hippos, and they even wear hippo butts, which was pretty darn funny.