Time to get caught up on things. Our trip to Wisconsin was nice. The Gathering Place has beautiful scenery to take in every day and the cabins are pretty nice too. Unfortunately, our bed was a tad uncomfy, so we had a few crummy nights of sleep. Inara seemed to do very well sleeping in her pack 'n play. Thank goodness I had her nap in the one we have before we left. Good thinking! It was nice to see all of Shawn's relatives. They were all pretty excited to meet Inara, so that was probably the best part of the trip, besides getting to spend time with Erin who I miss greatly. With baby, it was hard for me to partake in too many of the trip's outings, so she and I stayed back at the cabin and did lots of walking around. The kid just loves to walk! I'm sure Shawn will post the pics pretty soon.
Some bad news we got while away was our good friend Jason was in an accident on his scooter. He's alright but ended up with a broken clavicle and what the doctors think may be a couple cracked ribs. When Shawn got the news, my stomach dropped. I'm so worried about Jason and the rest of the scoot patrol because it's a scary thought riding those things in LA traffic. I trust them. It's the other stupid drivers that worry me. He seems to have a good outlook on things and can't wait to get back on his scooter, against his mother's wishes of course. I'm just so glad that Jason is OK and on his way to a quick recovery.
While on vacation, I got to do some reading and have made it over half way through the Obama book. I've only been reading it for about 5 months now, so the fact that I'm now half way is well pretty pathetic, but I'm doing my best. During the week, Erin and I also watched a lot of the Republican Convention. Politics were a big topic of discussion a couple nights. For the most part, Erin and I wanted to hear Sarah Palin's speech. We actually left the bonfire and smores early so we could watch it. We are still perplexed by her nomination. Yes, she's a tough woman, but I'm still not seeing how she won the party over. It seems like they would have tried to avoid someone so controversial. And really as the party of "family values," how can you have a pregnant 17 year old up on stage? I do like the fact that Palin will be a "voice" for the disabled given that she has a child with Down Syndrome. That I do respect. But I still don't understand how she can take on the role of VP with a special needs child. As a mom, I would want to be there with my newborn son as much as possible because I would know he was going to need me there for him. I guess that's just me personally as a mom, but again, this makes me question her judgment.
On to a lighter topic, I'm so excited that Stella got off'd from Project Runway. That woman drives me nuts!!! Now get rid of Blayne and Suede and I'll be a happy girl. This has been a great season so far. Hope it can keep the pace the rest of the season. As for other TV news, I'm jazzed that the season premieres are all starting up. I'm Tivo-ing Ellen right now. I'm craving some junk TV besides what's on HGTV and TLC. I can only watch so many eps of John and Kate Plus 8 before I go insane.
Haven't seen any new movies, so nothing to report here.
I recently joined Facebook and am thrilled I did. I have already reconnected with some of my best friends from junior high and high school. As I turned 35, I started missing the good ol days of being lazy, having little responsibility, and thinking the world awaits me, but most of all, I miss my friends. Low and behold, I suddenly get emails from 3 friends, one whom I've known since elementary school. This seriously made my month!!! I can't wait to talk to these ladies more and learn about their lives and all the great things they've been doing. One of them, Shashi, works for a non-profit in LA. All these years, and she was still living close to me. And how cool that she's a lawyer for a non-profit? I always knew she'd do something cool like that.
The best news I have to share is Inara is doing fantabulous!!! I can't believe she's a week away from turning one year old. That's insane to me. She's growing up too fast. She's walking all over like I've said a bazillion times. Last night she was standing up and moved from the ottoman to the chair and took two steps all on her own. It was so awesome watching her do this. It was also a blast watching her try to get to Shawn's laptop yesterday while he was watching football and checking fantasy scores. She even throws little frustration fits when she can't get what she wants. It's funny but kinda scary to watch this. She better not be a little primadonna diva. Oh no, we'll nip that in the butt real quick. This week will be a busy but fun one with Elizabeth coming into town tomorrow night and my parents either Wed or Thu. Inara's birthday party is set for Saturday. The family will be here along with some of the friends we've made through the mom's group. I can't wait to celebrate my little girl turning 1!!!
As for me, my sanity is starting to slowly return. I'm super glad our trip is over because I just need some time at home. I feel like things have been so hectic around here lately and haven't had a chance to really appreciate being in our first house. Yesterday Shawn hung a couple pictures in the family room, and it made me super happy. I want to make things cozy like home here, so I'm glad we don't have any more trips planned for the rest of the year. I was actually in a really bad mental place before we left, but I realized I needed to have some bad days. When I sat down and thought about it, this past year has been one hell of a roller coaster ride. No wonder my head feels like it's going to explode some days. Everything from giving birth, to having my first surgery and recovering from the C-section, to quitting work, to the holidays (which we all know can be stressful), to telling my parents we were going to move (a very difficult thing for me to do especially after having a baby), to packing up my things, to saying good-bye to friends and family (one of the hardest things I've had to do in my 35 years), to my Uncle Vance passing away so suddenly, to moving into one house with lots of people (something that placed me out of my comfort zone), to Shawn's injured ankle 10 days before moving!, to my injured back shortly after moving, to the daily challenges of learning to be a good mom (and without my mom and dad by my side), to trying to work my Arbonne business where I know nobody, to househunting, to missing my family and friends every day...yes, I've had one hell of a year, but I've survived! And now as Inara's first birthday is fast approaching, I look at this as the start of a new year for myself as well. I've got to work at getting myself into a good mental state and remember to appreciate all the glorious blessings I have in my life. I am grateful for this life. I just have to stop, look past the chaos, and remind myself of this once in awhile. So on that note I end and leave you all knowing I love you!!!