Inara's 18 Month Checkup
Yesterday we went to the doc for Inara's 18 month checkup. She loves the Lego table they have in the waiting room. She played there for a bit and seemed very happy. Then she started walking down the hall and must have had a flashback because the crying started and didn't stop for pretty much the rest of the visit. I think she remembers the nurse too. Nurse=pain from a shot! She practically climbed up me the whole time the nurse did her measurements, etc. So Inara weighs 23 pounds 14 1/2 ounces, putting her in the 45th percentile, and measures 32 inches, putting her in the 50th percentile. I got her calmed down until the doctor came into the room and all hell broke loose again. He said she looked fantastic and told me I was doing a great job considering how good her checkup was. It might be small, but it really means a lot to me to hear such a compliment from a doc because there are many days that I feel like I'm not doing a good enough job. I'm sure lots of moms feel this way, but some days just seem harder than others. She calmed down again once the doc left but screamed bloody murder when the nurse came back for the shots. I seriously HATE taking her to the doctor any more and wish I could have someone else do it once in awhile. It's so not fun for either of us.
My biggest question for the doctor was about Inara's weigh because she eats soooo much at many meals. I feel like her belly is too big and protrudes out way too far. When I brought up those concerns to the doc, he checked her belly to see if he felt anything out of the order, but he said he felt nothing. He then pointed out that her height and weight are perfectly matched, so there is no concern that she is overweight for her age. I guess I'm just always worried about that because of my weight problems through the years. I then asked him how much should I give her at a meal. He said let her eat until she's full. I swear she never says she's full though and I have to stop the food because she'd keep eating. He said that as far as portions that she can have as many fruits and veggies as she wants, but to limit her starch, carbs and protein. He said with all her climbing, running, etc., that she's burning her calories off pretty fast considering she's in the 45 percentile for weight. He also said she just might have a great metabolism. That's the best news. So overall, besides the screaming fits, her doc visit went very well.
In case you heard, we did have a blizzard yesterday and had snow all day long. It was so awesome! I love watching the snow falling. Winds got a little crazy at times, but we were indoors the rest of the day, so no concerns for us. This morning, Shawn and Erin went out to shovel the driveway and I had hoped to take Inara out to play in the snow. I've come to realize she's just not that into the snow yet. I know she's still pretty little, so maybe next winter she'll show more interest in playing in it. Instead, she and I stood in the garage and watched Shawn and Erin shoveling away. We must have gotten at least a foot of snow yesterday, so they had their work cut out for them. I took pictures and hope that someday Shawn won't have to work and can post pics for me. He's been working like a slave lately. I'm beginning to feel like a single mom. Just kidding honey. All I can say is I can't wait for my parents and Michael to come visit in a few weeks so I can actually get an extra set of hands to help out once in awhile. It's been a long time since I've had a helper, so Pop, pack up the car and head out here soon!
Happy Spring everyone!