marisa's ramblings

here in lies my own personal soapbox to vent about the issues and dilemmas that plague my mind and share the aha moments of my daily life.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas Joy Part 2

This year Inara was much more aware of what Christmas is. She's been talking about Ho Ho (aka Santa) for quite a few weeks. When you ask her what Santa brings, she says "presents" followed by "I be good girl mommy." I was so excited for Inara to have her first real Christmas and even better that my parents would be here to share it with us.

Nee Nee and Pop arrived Friday and Inara took no time to start demanding their attention. Being the great grandparents they are, Nee Nee and Pop had no problem obliging her every demand. I can't say it enough: I just love watching my parents playing with my baby girl. Pop gets on the floor and lets her jump all over him, plays puzzles, and even let her race Hot Wheels down the track right into his noggin. She even started a new game of rolling Pop around by pushing him with her head. Yeah, I know. Sounds crazy but the girl loved it. Mom does coloring, reads books, plays marketplace, etc all day long too. The whole time they were here, all day long, I heard "Come on Nee Nee. Come on Pop. Come play." The second she got up in the morning it was "Where Nee Nee go? Where Pop go? Go downstairs and play." Before bedtime, she had to give Pop a hug and kiss, and Nee Nee had to come upstairs to read books, rock in the chair, and put Inara to bed. I always knew my parents were good with kids, but seriously, they are the best grandparents a girl could ask for. Inara's got it made. Partially because they love getting down on her level, rolling around on the floor, being big "silly butts" while unleashing their inner kids. Also, because they will do anything she wants. Mommy and Daddy don't do that. But Nee Nee and Pop sure will. It's a hoot to watch!

I made a big deal about Christmas traditions that I wanted to start with Inara this year. I had heard from another mom a tradition they started is every night after putting up the Christmas tree, the kids all lay down in front of the tree for bedtime stories. I decided to start this tradition too. Inara loved getting our pillows and laying them in front of the tree. I've only got a few Christmas books, but thankfully my mom got her Fancy Nancy's Splendiferous Christmas and I found Curious George Christmas Countdown to add to our holiday library. These were her two favorites to read at bedtime this holiday. It made me feel so good to lay in front of the Christmas tree and read my baby girl stories. She's also been asking about baby Jesus since she's learned about him in preschool. I bought her a board book about the birth of Jesus, and this was the other book she loved reading every night. I am so impressed to share that the girl has memorized the book! She knows every line of it and can tell me the story now. She can even say Bethlehem very well. I'm in such awe of how smart she is and am blown away by such skills she has. It's truly amazing to think she's now 2 years old and growing up so fast.

The other big traditions I introduced are those on Christmas Eve. I bought us a special plate for Santa's cookies. I've also talked to her about leaving reindeer food on the front lawn. After she was all dressed for bed on Christmas Eve, mom, pop, Inara and I got all bundled up to go outside. We had to because it was freezing cold that night and there was still tons of snow out. Yes, my first white Christmas. The four of us stood outside and left special reindeer food on the snow-covered lawn for Santa's reindeer to eat. This was one of the most special moments this year. My baby girl, dressed in her Christmas jammies, snowcap on, holding onto her Minnie Mouse doll in one arm, sprinkling reindeer food on the lawn as mom helped her and pop took pictures. It was such an awesome experience, one that made me realize my baby girl ain't a baby any more. Once we finished leaving the reindeer food, we all came inside and chose cookies to put on the plate for Santa with his glass of milk. Needless to say, rocking her before bedtime that night was extra special. She and I talked a lot about Santa coming and opening presents in the morning. I was highly anticipating the excitement of the next morning.

When we started hearing Inara making noise on the monitor, I was so pumped for the day's festivities to begin. Shawn, Inara and I made our way downstairs to be greeted by Nee Nee and Pop and lots of presents under the Christmas tree. I had a feeling we'd have to open gifts in shifts, because what 2 year old has that long of an attention span? She was super excited to see the big wheel from Santa. She's still a bit too small to reach the pedals, but she figured out how to scoot herself around. Santa also brought her an inflatable climber & tunnel (which takes up half of the playroom) and a Leap Frog Tag Junior set. (Throughout their visit, Pop kept showing Inara new things to do with the climber, like lining her slide up and rolling balls down the slide into the foot holes on the climber. See, Pop unleashing the kid in him all the time.) After opening a few presents, it was breakfast time, so we took a break. Inara was kinda acting out of sorts that morning, which continued on for a few hours. She ended up having some tummy issues, but she bucked up and would open presents a few at a time throughout the morning and afternoon. Yes, I need to do some major toy shifting and put away some that she's outgrown, but I've gotta tell you from the look of my house right now, she is LOVING every gift she got. There are books, dolls, puzzles spread throughout the house. Heck, I figure let the girl have fun for awhile. I can clean up the house later.

As for family celebrations, the Sunday before Christmas we had our gift exchange with Kristi's gang since they were heading to Oklahoma to spend Christmas with her parents. The best part of the whole night was listening to Inara and Avery singing on the microphone Avery has. I love watching the girls playing together. It totally takes me back to my childhood and playing with April, Michael, and Lisa. Such good memories. I did get some great videos of the three kids that night and will have them posted soon. Unfortunately, with the snowstorm that came in, Kristi and the gang ended up not leaving until Christmas day, but they at least got to come over here for Barb's Christmas Eve get together. Since they're still in an apartment, Barb asked if she could host a dinner at our house. Then I did Christmas dinner here for us, Barb & Ed, and Erin & Lou, her new boyfriend. Pop cooked a fantastic prime rib and turkey while I did all the side dishes. Such a scrumptious dinner I must say. (Kristi, I did miss you and your family though. Mikey, next year I promise I'll celebrate Christmas with you, little brother!!!)

I have to tell a sad story now. My parents packed up to head home on Monday. I already knew it was going to be a tough good-bye because I loved having them both here to celebrate Christmas with us and because I know how much Inara loves having them here. As Pop was putting the last of their stuff in the car, Inara wanted to sit in Pop's car, so I let her sit in the driver's seat for a bit. I then told her it was time to get out and she asked, "Where I sit? I go Nee Nee and Pop's house." Let the tears begin. Mom started crying. I started crying. Inara started crying and kept saying, "I go Nee Nee and Pop's house." Yes, it's official. Inara is of age to be sad when my parents leave. Ugh. I wasn't looking forward to this at all. It was a tough good-bye because more than anything, I wish I could have my parents living here with us. I just absolutely love watching them playing with Inara. And they seriously are the best parents/grandparents!!! When Inara and I went back into the house, I tried to get her busy playing, but I sat there still sobbing. She then came up and asked, "Mommy, what happened?" "I'm just sad baby girl because Nee Nee and Pop had to go home." "Mommy, I sad too." Neither one of us had much energy to do anything that day, so we watched a couple movies and lounged around the rest of the day. Sometimes holidays are the best, but then they have to come to an end and that's just not fun at all, especially the good-bye part. (Sorry Mom and Pop. I'm not trying to give you a guilt trip. I know I was the one who moved, but seriously when are you moving out here? Haha.)

In response to my question to my parents, I must end on a funny part to their trip: the weather. It was so cold the week my parents were here. We got some good snow even. I loved that my dad went out and shoveled the driveway twice without me even asking. See what a great Pop he is. I got some great pictures of Pop and Inara shoveling the snow. She's definitely getting better about going outside in the snow and even says, "Mommy, I no crying." Also, I loved watching my dad get all his gear on to go outside and smoke. I noticed his cigarette breaks were getting shorter and shorter as it got colder and colder outside. What's your saying Pop, "It ain't fit for man nor beast out there." Mom didn't fair so well out in the cold either, or should I say in the chilly house. She even offered to give Shawn money so that we could turn the heater up. I swear Shawn is hot blooded because he never thinks it's cold in the house when everyone else is freezing their tooshes off. Pop and Shawn worked on organizing the garage a couple days, and Pop kept saying it was too damn cold out there. Guess we need to get him a floor heater for when he's doing projects in the garage next winter or only plan indoor projects during this time of year. And we need several electric blankets for the guest rooms before Mom & Pop will come out again in the winter. I'll be more prepared next time I promise. I love you guys and am so very grateful that you endured freezing temps to come celebrate Christmas with us. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you for everything! You guys rock!!!

Monday, December 28, 2009

Christmas joy

I can't believe how long it's been since I've written a blog. I've been slacking big time. Figure since I'm sitting here sulking because my parents left, I could cheer myself up by writing a blog. So much has gone on lately, so I'll do my best to write about all of it and not write a 500 page novel.

The day after Thanksgiving Inara and I flew to CA to surprise my mom for her 65th birthday. Inara did rather well on the flight, but it's still pretty stressful flying just me and her. However, I did get a very nice compliment from a lady in the terminal. She said I was a great mom, and she loved listening to me talk to my daughter. Boy, did I need that compliment as I was stressed out flying solo with a 2 year old. Michael and Pop were in on the surprise all along, but when mom got home from running errands with Lisa that afternoon, she was totally SHOCKED. We got a super funny video of her reaction. We flew in on Fri and left the following Wed. It was a short trip packed with lots of visits and fun times (and of course a few trips to Yogurtland and Golden Spoon too). We went to see Grandma Mary at the home and ended up running into my Uncle Danny too. Jason & Lilli came by to see Inara, and I went to dinner with them. I gave them their Christmas gifts early and Jason finally got me the new pictures of Inara he made me for my birthday. He was even so kind to make a copy for my mom's birthday too. That night I got to hear stories about their trip to Japan. They are such a cute couple. I'm so happy Jason is happy and in love. Inara and I got to visit Grandma Di one day too and deliver her Christmas present. I also got to spend time with my best girlfriends and finally meet Sierra's baby girl Layla. We got some adorable pictures of Inara holding Layla too. She really is great with babies. Yeah, maybe someday she'll be a big sis, but we'll just have to wait and see on that one. Somedays a 2 year old is all I think I can handle. Kylie and Lisa came over a few times. It was a blast watching Inara and Kylie playing. They had the most fun playing "airport" with Pop. It's crazy what things kids will do to entertain themselves. We even squeezed in a trip to Disneyland on Tue for Mom's birthday. Inara LOVED Small World. It was all decorated for Christmas and so pretty. I loved watching Inara's expressions, and she was clapping along with the music the whole time. So darn cute! Inara had a good time playing with Toby too. She even got comfortable enough to pet him. Shawn take note: we just might need to get Inara a puppy when she's old enough to take care of it. Mikey and I got to spend some time together just the two of us. It meant a lot to me to spend time with him, my best friend. I miss my lil brother so much, and it was great to meet the new person in his life. The best part of the trip though was just getting to spend time watching Inara play with Nee Nee and Pop as usual. Boy, does she love her grandparents!

Unfortunately, I started getting sick the last couple days we were in CA, but I had to suck it up because the week we got back was packed. I worked a MOPS fundraising event I helped organize. We offered a special Santa photo opportunity for moms in our group and their friends. We only charged $15 for kids to take photos with Santa. The kids got to spend some time chatting with Santa, take pictures, and make a craft. We burned the pictures to disc rather than print out a few copies. This way the parents can print their own pics and as many as they needed. Most families got at least 10 shots. One family got something like 30 shots of the 2 kids with Santa, then each kid alone, and the mom got in a few too. What a deal for $15. I didn't end up taking Inara because she really hasn't had interested in taking pics with Santa and has cried when I've tried getting her to take a pic with him. Figured why spend money on a pic of her crying. I can take those pics for free myself. Plus, I would have had to take her at 8:30am, made her cry, then drop her off at preschool. Not a good way to start off the day. I figure maybe next year she'll be more open to taking pics with Santa.

That night was our Hometown Holiday Celebration at Town Center. Inara and I braved the cold and enjoyed the festivities. We got to see Santa come in on the horsedrawn carriage, and Inara got to ride her favorite train they have at every town event. It was super cold that night, so we didn't stay too long. Shawn met us there and we headed to 3 Margaritas for dinner. Inara was acting out of sorts and rightly so, the next day she ended up getting sick. She was down and out for a week with croup. She never ran a fever but and never had restless nights, which is unusual for croup, but she had a runny nose, loss of appetite, and a cough for over a week.

This worried me because Friday, Dec. 11 was Inara's first Christmas program at preschool. She had be learning 2 songs and I didn't want her to miss the program. After what ended up as one of those "I feel like a bad mommy" mornings, Inara made it to school and was in her Christmas program. I had some issues with my camera working, so I didn't get a video of the first song, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. She, however, pretty much just stood up there on stage like a deer in headlights not quite know what all was going on. But it was still dang adorable watching her up there. She did great shaking the bells for the second song though. I got a video of that at least. I'm still kicking myself in the butt for what was a rather disappointing mommy experience that day due to various factors. Yes, I know I'm too hard on myself and need to learn to let things go. But I just want to be the best mom to Inara every day and I let myself down that morning. I won't let something like that happen again that's for sure.

The next week was also packed with playdates and Christmas parties. Inara and I went to 2 playdates on Mon, which was a good distraction from my bad weekend. Tuesday we went to My Gym and saw our great friends Jen and Addison. We ended up going to Target and hanging out with the girls for awhile. I just absolutely LOVE watching Inara and Addison together. I so hope they will be best friends forever. Inara just adores Jen too. I had another bad mommy moment that day though when I realized I left my wallet on the checkout counter at Target. We were almost home and Inara was so exhausted but I had to keep her awake so I could go get my wallet. Instead of crying about it all though, Inara made me laugh at the whole situation by saying "Mommy, so silly. She left wallet at Target." Thanks baby girl, for putting mommy's boneheaded moment in perspective and making me laugh about it.

Wed was the best day I could have asked for. That morning Michael Skyped me early in the morning to break the good news: Mom and Pop were coming to CO for Christmas!!! After the hectic and week and a half I had and how depressed I was that my family wasn't going to be here with me, this was all I could have ever asked for for Christmas. Then that afternoon I had our closest friends over for a Christmas potluck lunch. We finally got to see Owen and his new baby sister. The other kids all had fun playing with Inara's toys, while Inara, as usual, mainly wanted to sit on my lap. She's still so clingy and doesn't like playing with the other kids most of the time. Just don't know when she'll out grow this stage. Oh well. When it was just Whitney and Tatum left though, she seemed to come out of her shell and ran around playing with the girls. I'm thinking maybe it's the big groups of kids that scare her. Guess I'll just have to do smaller group playdates in the future. All-in-all, we had a great time celebrating Christmas with our friends and I was SOOO excited to share with all of them the great news about my parents coming out here.

A group of us took a trip to Hammond's Candy Factory on Thu. I was thrilled it was the 3rd day in a row we got to spend time with Jen and Addison. I sure do love hanging out with those girls. Kristi and her gang along with Eetung and William joined us as well. I thought the candy factory was a lot of fun. I got to entertain the kids being my silly, goofy self. All the kids did so well that day too. I ended up getting a big box of candies for when my parents were here too. Afterwards, we all went to a mall close by to grab some lunch and let the kids run around in the play area. Needless to say, Inara crashed on the car ride home that day. Again, it was another great way to celebrate Christmas with friends and get me in the holiday spirit.

Friday my parents arrived and I couldn't have been happier. I'll write another blog about their visit when Inara naps today. Her movie is over and wants me to come play, so I better wrap this blog up for now.