At Shawn's work, they refer to most people as mucus (most users can't understand s**t). I can be so bad at technology at times, which is why I haven't written a blog in awhile. For some reason, I couldn't log into my blog account, but by some odd occurence today, I figured it out. So now I can finally update my blog.
Things have been crazy busy around here. First off, pregnancy is going great now. My queasiness is gone and I'm only taking maybe 3 Tums a week. This is probably due to the fact that I'm about 13 weeks now. Yay! I haven't gained any weight really (or so the scale says), but I have noticed a few pairs of pants have gotten tight around my tummy. It's also because I hate anything putting pressure on my stomach now. It's really super uncomfy. Otherwise, I don't have many other signs of being pregnant. I go for my next doctor appointment on the 30th. I called on Monday to find out what would transpire at this appointment and was so excited to find out that we will hear the baby's heart beat next. Shawn is taking the day off work again because he doesn't want to miss any of the big moments as we like to call them.
This past weekend was apartment cleaning weekend. We are having a Tomlinson family garage sale at the end of the month, so Shawn and I started tearing this place apart. On Saturday when Shawn and I started strategizing, he was kind of grumpy because he hates cleaning house, but I told him instead of thinking of it as cleaning think of it as making room for baby. He said that sounded much more fun, and then we went crazy all day Sunday. We still have a bit more to finish up this Saturday and we'll be all prepared for the big sale day. It'll be refreshing to finally have some extra space in this place, especially in the closets.
In other great news, Arbonne is AWESOME! I have been so busy with parties and networking events that I haven't had much time to watch TV but that's a good thing. Kristi and I went to the largest OC Mixer a week ago. It was good to have her see me in action as she said. I've been going to a lot of Chamber of Commerce and networking events lately. I actually passed out 6 sample packs yesterday, a new record for me. Work it girl! I'm making my numbers this month and reaching new goals actively searching for my next business builder. After reading Kiyosaki and Trump's Why We Want You to be Rich, I understand it will be tough because I have to get somebody to see the vision after being taught the employee mindset all through school. It's scary for people to imagine owning their lives rather than following orders from a boss, but I know those people are out there. I just haven't found the right ones yet, but I know I will. (If you or someone you know is starting to get interested, please lets talk.)
Plus with baby on the way, I am even more determined to get my business booming. I have 100% faith that Arbonne is the future for my family because I have seen how it has changed so many families already. With this company, I will be able to provide so much more than I ever would have imagined teaching. I don't want to have to pay somebody else to watch my kids every day while I go to work. I just can't imagine that. It's awesome seeing Kristi stay at home with Avery and how much Avery has learned with mom there to teach her. (I swear that kid has a bigger vocabulary than some of my students do.) See for me I'll still be a teacher but it will be with my own kids instead of with bratty teens that could care less what I have to offer. (More about my horrible students another time. All I'll say right now is my class this semester confirms 100% that I have made the right decision to leave teaching. Otherwise, you may see me on the 6 o'clock news for strangling a student.)
As for Arbonne, I can honestly say I would have never expected this business to change me as much as it has, and it may have taken awhile and persistence from Kristi and Shawn, but I now see how far I've come and am proud of everything I have accomplished. I can't wait to see where Arbonne will take my life in the next 5 years. At our trainings we always ask that question: if you continue doing what you are doing today, where will your life be in 5 years? I know if I continue teaching, my life is going to be the same, but with Arbonne, my life will change beyond my imagination. I will be able to take care of my kids and Shawn, who I plan to retire well before he is 40, take care of my parents when they need my help, and have more freedom to donate and help those less fortunate. Now that sounds like a much better life to me than the one I was facing with my 50+hrs/week, $30K teaching salary. Gosh, this feels sooooo good. I now understand what our President Rita means when she says, "I hate to brag but I work with Arbonne." Life is awesome!