Time for my weekly update
So much has gone on this past week, so I'll try to get through it in a short blog. First off today, I had my 6 week check up with Dr. Chu. I'm almost down to my pre-pregnancy weight with only a couple pounds left. Yay! I can start exercising again also. I've been having a lot of problems lately with breastfeeding so I asked her about it. She said it seems like I just might be one of those women who doesn't produce enough milk. She suggested that I start feeding Inara every two hours. If she's sleeping, I'm to wake her up. Or I can start pumping during those times that she's sleeping. Regardless, I need to be on a two hour schedule so I can try to increase my milk production. That means no more sleep for me. I'm having a rough time with all this simply because I feel like I can't do anything else but be attached to baby, literally, whether it be to feed her or because she's crying non-stop and wants to be held. This makes for a difficult situation for working and doing anything else for that matter. I know I want to do what's best for baby, but seriously this is exhausting. Then I feel guilty for feeling this way. Oh the emotional roller coaster of being a mom.
I don't know why it's bothering me so much but I have yet to hear from a few family members since I had Inara, no phone call, no card, not even an email. I guess it's bothering me because I thought these were family members that were excited about Inara. Also, because I thought I was close to these particular people, or at least I was at one point in my life. It's just really sad that we've gotten congratulation cards from our neighbor, Shawn's co-worker in Illinois, and my landlord but not my family. Again, my LANDLORD sent us a card but no word from some of my family. Go figure. I guess it goes to show that when it is all said and done you can't always rely on family. I get emails from my Aunt Jeri who's traveling all over the world. OK that's a slight exaggeration but she's on the road at all times and yet I hear from her quite often along with emails from my cousin Christina and calls and email from my cousin Kim who is super busy with long hours at the hospital, so people can't use the excuse that they just don't have the time to contact me. And I know these people I haven't heard from have cell phones and email so in this day and age there really is no excuse besides not putting forth the effort to say hey, Marisa I'm so excited for you. Congrats on the new baby. Does that really take that much time? I guess I just really want to know that my family cares but it's becoming too much to ask for I guess. This blog has turned into a bitch session, so I'm going to take a break. Besides baby's screaming, so I'll finish this blog later.
OK. I'm back. A day later but I'm back. I figure I better end the blog on a happy story. This past Friday and Saturday was Arbonne's ACT Now (advanced consultant training) in Anaheim. I was super excited to have a team with me at this training. I had Sara, who's been my one strong business builder since I started, and my new team under Michael.(Karie and Angie came for both days and Crystal came for the free Friday night event.) The trainings just keep getting better and better. I had so much fun and was thrilled to share this with people who mean so much to me. My mom even came for half day on Friday and all day Saturday. One thing that was super exciting was that we learned that next year Arbonne will release new products 7 out of 12 months. This is huge given that we usually have new products only 3 months out of the year. This goes to show how Arbonne is definitely the right company to be building a business with. They have so many new products to offer that they are going to add 4 months to our calendar. Hooray for Arbonne! And the teaser we got on the products built up our enthusiasm. We know there is going to be new products in the Figure 8 weight loss line, the RE9 anti-aging line, and the nutrition line. Also, it looks like Arbonne is going to finally expand with more travel size products too! Something I sent a suggestion in about a year ago. Yes! Even more reasons to love Arbonne! So much for a short blog. Sorry, Thane. I guess I'm just too wordy.