Time for some TV/Movie reviews
Now that I've watched the finales to my favorite shows, I wanted to share my thoughts on a few of them as well as a couple movie reviews.
I must start with the movies. I was so extremely disappointed with Spiderman 3. I am sick of the love story with Mary Jane, who honestly has to be one of the worst love interests in movie history. The girl has no character qualities to attach to. She's BORING! And since when did Peter Parker become goth boy? His transformation half way through the movie was one of the most ridiculous things I've seen in awhile. At one point I asked, "When did Jared Leto get cast as Peter?" However, after I saw Pirates 3 I began to like Spiderman 3 more. Pirates 3 is by far one of the worst movies I've seen in a few years. This franchise started off with so much potential, but after the second one I knew we were in trouble. This slop of a third movie was so unbearable at times that I actually elected to take a nap so as not to waste my life watching it. Yes, I disliked this movie THAT much. Funny thing is the 4 other people I went with all said the same thing. The story is unnecessary complicated, the characters are unlikeable, and the special effects are so-so. What more can I say? Don't waste $10 on this one. I would wait until it's on cable to watch it. It's not even worth a DVD rental.
Lost: Hated it! I'm getting so sick of all these mysteries and unanswered questions. This show is evil. Why must they continue to leave us hanging? What's the deal with John Locke and Walt, who by the way now looks to be about 15 years old even though supposedly only a few months have passed on the island? I think the story line with Jack was just pure mean to tease us that way. I was glad to finally see someone kick the crap out of Ben. Why does this guy have such power over everyone? I'll have to see what life is like with baby to decide if I want to continue watching this show.
Grey's Anatomy: Definitely a letdown, especially after previous finales. Is it bad that I'm glad Christina and Burke didn't get married? Why do I dislike Callie and George together? The only character I was really excited about was Alex, go figure.
My Name is Earl: I love Jason Lee! This show has really surprised me in that each week there is a storyline with a moral lesson. Who would have thought when this show first started? Just when you thought Earl's life was getting on track, he goes and has to be all chivalrous to save Joy. What a surprise twist at the end.
CSI: I swear this show has gotten amazingly good these past two seasons. This final episode totally creeped me out with the minituare killer being found. I hate "to be continued" finales, but this one had be on the edge of my seat the whole episode. What is Sara Sidle's destiny? Guess we have to wait through the summer to find out.
Heroes: My favorite show!!! Period!!! While this show lefts us with a lot of questions kind of like Lost, I actually care to find out what is going to happen to these characters. I was a bit bummed that the ending fight between Peter and Sylar wasn't longer, but overall I thought this episode was so exciting that I didn't want it to end. I can't wait for Aug 28, so I can buy the DVD and watch all of Season 1 again, which is perfect timing because I won't be able to do much with baby due soon after. I hope there is a DVD player in my hospital room so I can watch Heroes while I'm waiting for the agonizing pain to start. Maybe that will take my mind off things.